Good Riddance Party

Toast Negativity Away

Have you ever heard of a Good Riddance Party? It is when you get together with your friends, some suitable beverages and refreshments, and toast the exit of something negative in your life. In fact, my very good friend and I just had a Good Riddance Zoom Party! We dressed up, drank our favorite champagne, had some fancy Granny Smith chocolate cake, and said good riddance to a few people who had made my life a living hell. My spirits were completely lifted, and I felt the baggage I had been carrying from all that pain completely evaporate. Good riddance indeed!

Support System

What makes a Good Riddance Party a success has little to do with what you are actually saying goodbye to. It is all about the friends that come out to support you. A good friend can offer perspective while still remaining loyal and supportive. A good friend will indulge in life’s simple pleasures, like food and drink, without judgement alongside you. A good friend is not afraid to be silly with you for the sole purpose of lifting each other’s spirits. I was so grateful to be going through this release of painful memories with my friend by my side the other day. Having her there was cathartic. Even though we were being silly and drinking, her presence made me feel sane and grounded. She is a very good friend actually, a very good best friend!

Setting Priorities

As adults, we have so many priorities that sometimes we forget to make time for our friendships. There have certainly been people I have cared about deeply but have lost touch with. Understandably, we both had so much going on that maintaining our friendship slipped through the cracks. But having friends is important during all stages of life. Humans are social beings, and we need to feel supported, seen, and heard by our communities. Adults need friends just as much as kids on a playground. Now more than ever as we struggle through a global pandemic, friends are what make us feel normal again. Even if we can only talk to each other through devices, my advice would be to do so whenever you can. Only then will you find out that your friend needs to throw a Good Riddance Party.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

Make your Good Riddance Party about an ex watching them make a fool of themselves, you could celebrate leaving a toxic work environment, or your student debt finally being paid off. Maybe you want to say goodbye to a season that you have been dying to get through or maybe you just finished an awesome chore that is now free from your to do list. Definitely have your favorite snacks and cocktails handy, but above all else, invite the right people. Tell them you are grateful for their presence in your life and have a good time saying, “good riddance!” to whatever it is together.


Dream Bedroom


C U Next Tuesday