Dream Bedroom

Checking Off the List

I redid our bedroom! It is one of those household tasks that has been on my to do list for a long time or let us just say every two years. Quarantining at home has finally afforded me the time to figure out what I want to do with our space, and I went for it. Already, I am sleeping better because of how nice it is. The new sheets and pillows feel amazing, the fresh colors on my wall are so relaxing, and at last I have noticed that I can successfully unwind after a busy day. Our bedroom is now my happy place and I never want to leave!

Make It Your Sanctuary

Even before the pandemic, a bedroom is the room where people spend huge portions of their day. Now as many of us live and work out of the safety of our homes, we are spending an increased amount of time there. Therefore, why not invest and make it the sanctuary you deserve. Have it reflect who are, put you at ease, and most importantly, be a comfortable place for you to be yourself. For me, that means lots of cozy blankets, cute throw pillows, and soothing colors on the walls. I have photos of my family on my desk and a simple alarm clock on my nightstand. Oh hell, who am I kidding, it is my iPhone! I walk in the room and I feel at ease, whereas before I remodeled, I would walk in and just feel exhausted. Style your room to rejuvenate you, even when you are not sleeping. You will thank me later!

Boundaries and Private Space

Something that will help keep your bedroom as YOUR sanctuary is setting up boundaries. For me this means no kids or pets allowed on the bed overnight. Again, I am joking! My husband will be the first to tell on me and say this lasted for a week. I had us both hanging off the bed with our two Dalmatians resting comfortably between us. While I love them dearly, we all need our own private spaces. So, it is now only on special occasions. Since I am working from home now, I had made a point not to work out of my bedroom. I would go to the kitchen for Zoom calls, the living room to email, and I record my podcast out of my closet, but because of my inspiring room, Iā€™m back at my writing desk making everything happen day in and day out! It is really become my sanctuary. Redoing our bedroom was so easy and so much fun!


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