C U Next Tuesday

Choose Your Words Wisely

There are some words no one should say. Whether they are archaic, redundant, or offensive, there are combinations of letters that should simply never be uttered. Similarly, there are some words that only some people can say. An example that comes to mind are words that have been previously used to oppress marginalized populations which then they repurposed and reclaimed into words of triumph and pride. While some might argue the C word falls into the second category I’ve described - meaning it would be “ok” for a woman to call a fellow woman or a sad pathetic teenager this - I am here to argue that the C word actually falls into the first category I’ve described, meaning NO ONE SHOULD SAY IT. Outside the US, I know this word has slightly less vulgar connotations. Where I live, there is no reason for anyone ever to use this slang.

Reasons Why Women and Teenagers Should Not Use This Word

You are disrespecting the person you are using it towards.

This is obvious but is worth elaborating on. When women disrespect women, it makes us all look bad. The feminist cause is hurt when we are not united in fighting for equality, liberation, and yes, respect. Instead of disrespecting the woman you find yourself in disagreement with, express your frustration, disappointment, whatever you are feeling, with decorum. Use the old trick of turning all “You…” phrases, which trend toward name calling, into “I…” phrases. For example, “I feel ___ when you do ___.” Just like with children, critique the behavior not the person.

Reasons Why Women and Teenagers Should Not Use This Word

You are disrespecting yourself.

How would your parents feel if they heard you use this word? Does it reflect the way you were raised? Would you want your spouse to hear you use this word? Do you want your children to ever use this word? Saying the C word makes you look bad to the people who love you. It models a terrible example to curious ears. It tells the world it does not need to regard you more than you regard yourself. If you call a woman a cunt, you are essentially calling your sister, mother, and daughter a cunt also. You are basically saying to the world, “go ahead and please call those women cunts!”. Now you have just released the deadly poison into the air, the same breath the women in your life WILL BREATHE BACK IN. You are poisoning your own family and generations of women before you. You cannot hate a woman for speaking her mind without hating all of us. Women are a package deal.

Reasons Why Women and Teenagers Should Not Use This Word

It is lazy.

If you really must insult someone, get original with it!
The Bard did it best.
Use these Shakespearean insults as inspiration:

“I scorn you, scurvy companion.”
Henry IV Part II (Act 2, Scene 4)

“More of your conversation would infect my brain.”
Coriolanus (Act 2, Scene 1)

“Thou art a boil, a plague sore.”
King Lear (Act 2, Scene 2)

“A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of no one good quality.”
All’s Well That Ends Well (Act 3, Scene 6)

“I am sick when I do look on thee.“
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Act 2, Scene 1)

"To Be, or Not To Be" a Lady

This concludes my argument as to why it is not proper to use the C word. When in doubt, choose kindness and grace over disrespect and name calling. But if you have really reached the end of your wits and must insult someone, at least be creative like Shakespeare. However, at the end of the day, just grow up and be a LADY! You will get more respect in life than settling to be the trash your mouth puts out!


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