I See You Rolling Your Eyes—And It’s Not a Good Look

Let’s talk about a moment we’ve all experienced: that quick smile, followed by an eye roll, from across the room. Maybe it’s subtle, but it’s there. And if you’re the one dishing it out, let me offer you a dose of truth and facts—because someone, always, is watching.

Here’s the thing: this behavior? It’s not cute. Not empowering. Not a flex. It’s the kind of energy that creates walls, not bridges, between women. And while you may think it’s harmless, I’m here to remind you—it’s not.

Women Supporting Women: Why It’s Non-Negotiable

We’ve all heard the rallying cries about empowering one another, lifting each other up, and being allies. But how often do we actually walk the walk? When we roll our eyes at another woman or give that fake smile, we’re reinforcing the very stereotypes we claim to want to dismantle. Instead of being a united force, we’re showing that it’s okay to tear each other down, even in the subtlest ways.

Here’s the hard truth: you don’t have to like every woman you meet, but you do owe them respect. Being a good woman isn’t about faking friendships or pretending to connect—it’s about choosing kindness over cattiness and knowing the value of a simple, neutral interaction.

Why It Matters

Someone Is Always Watching

Maybe it’s your daughter, your friend, or a young colleague. When they see you rolling your eyes, they learn that it’s okay to dismiss or belittle another woman. What if, instead, they saw you showing grace and understanding, even in a room full of women you don’t vibe with? That’s the kind of behavior that shapes the next generation.

• It Reflects on You

Eye-rolling and snide smiles don’t diminish the woman you’re targeting—they diminish you. They speak volumes about insecurity, jealousy, or a lack of emotional maturity. Is that really the message you want to send?

• We All Need Allies

Life is unpredictable, and one day you might need the support of someone you once dismissed. Women who lift others up are remembered for their strength and integrity. Women who roll their eyes? They’re forgotten—or worse, avoided.

Be Better, Not Bitter

Look, I get it. You don’t have to love everyone. Personalities clash, and sometimes people just don’t click. But there’s a big difference between disliking someone and actively choosing to make them feel less than. The next time you feel the urge to roll your eyes or throw shade, ask yourself: What’s this really about? Is it insecurity? Jealousy? A bad day? Then do the work to address that—because the woman across the room isn’t your real issue.

And if you can’t muster anything kind to say or do, remember this old saying: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Sometimes silence is the strongest, most graceful response.

A Call to Action

Ladies, we’ve got to stop making excuses for bad behavior. We don’t have to like each other, but we do have to be better. Because when women tear each other down, the whole world takes notice—and not in the way we want. Be a good woman. Support other women. And remember, the person you’re rolling your eyes at today might just be the one who changes your life tomorrow.

So, to the eye-rollers and fake-smilers, know this: I see you. And more importantly, you’re better than this. Now go out there and show the world what true strength and grace look like.


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