Paris to Italy

Treasured Memories

If you know anything about me, it’s that I absolutely love to travel. I have been lucky enough to visit countless countries, some of them multiple times! Two of my favorite places to visit are France and Italy. Turning a corner and seeing The Eiffel Tower lit up after walking along The Seine on a summer evening with my husband by my side is one of my most treasured memories. Whenever I visit any city in Italy, I end up consuming my weight in delicious pasta, savory sauces, and fresh pastries - plus all the wine I can guzzle! When the day comes where I must reluctantly leave either of these countries, I feel rested, fulfilled, and yes… a little magical.

Patiently Waiting...

That is why it is so heartbreaking to not know when it will be safe to return to these beautiful, historical cities. According to Afar Magazine, “internal and external borders have started to reopen—but many foreign travelers remain banned from visiting Europe…”. The EU is making a list of countries whose travelers are allowed in. The list is updated regularly but, “the European Union states that it has barred travelers from the United States and from any other countries not on the list because those countries have not brought the coronavirus outbreak under control.” So, until there is a vaccine or appropriate measures are instated in the U.S to drastically lower the number of cases we are seeing, it seems we will be stuck in our living rooms reminiscing about past adventures.

Bucket List

To anyone who has not had the pleasure of gallivanting through the streets of these medieval metropolis’s, for the love of anything you treasure PLEASE put them on your bucket list! I could write pages and pages of recommendations, so if you are interested in hearing them, reach out through the contact page on this site and I will share my detailed notes with you. If you have had the pleasure of visiting Paris, Rome, Venice, Nice, or any number of stunning towns in either France or Italy, I know I do not need to persuade you to return. While I long to venture out on a plane right now, safe traveling is the priority.


New York: My City of Love


Love During COVID