Love at Any Age

Any time, Any age

Can you be too young to fall in love? Society often dismisses playground crushes and young couples who want to move fast as wanting attention or being hormonal. However, it is young love that reminds the old-timers how they should really be feeling. Can you be too old? One time I met a senior couple on the Metro who looked as if they had spent a lifetime together. Then they revealed they had just gotten married that past weekend! They were each other’s first spouses and could not be more delighted to spend the rest of their lives together. I thought I would be asking them for relationship advice, but they were the ones asking me.

Love is differentas you grow

To me, it seems you can fall in love at any age. Who am I to tell someone they are not in love when they feel they are? Besides, love is so different from person to person and each love is so different from the previous. For example, what feels like love to me I am sure feels different in some ways from what feels like love to you. Similarly, what feels like love to me now feels different than what I thought love was ten years ago. I can as confidently say that I have fallen in love several times as I can say I have only been in love once. Love reinvents itself every chance it gets. Love is full of surprises at any age.

You will know

When did you realize you were in love for the first time? How old were you? Maybe it was a high school or college sweetheart. Maybe it was the first person you moved in with or maybe it was the fourth. Maybe it was when you stopped looking for someone. Maybe it was when you made it a priority. Maybe it has not happened yet. Maybe you cannot tell if it has… But just like the senior couple on the Metro, have faith that love will find you. When it does, no matter your age or what you have felt before, you will know.


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