He Loved Me Yesterday, He Loves Me Today.

There are moments in life that test the very foundations of love. For us, that moment came the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s a day that’s etched in my memory, a day that changed everything—and yet, in the most important way, nothing changed at all. Because through it all, the love that my husband, TK, and I shared remained as steadfast and strong as ever. When I think back to the early days of our relationship, it’s easy to remember the butterflies, the excitement, the newness of it all. He loved me then, in all the ways that new love sparkles and shines. But what I’ve come to realize, especially over these last few years, is that the depth of love isn’t truly measured in those initial stages. It’s measured in the quiet moments, in the trials, in the spaces where life’s challenges could pull you apart—but instead, they bring you closer together. 

The Day Everything Changed

 The day I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the ground felt like it had fallen out from beneath me. It was a whirlwind of emotions—fear, sadness, anger, confusion. But even in the midst of that storm, TK was my anchor. He loved me then, in that terrifying moment, with a love that was calm and reassuring. He didn’t flinch; he didn’t waver. His strength became my strength. Through the Battle  As we walked through the journey of treatment together, there were days when I didn’t recognize myself—both physically and emotionally. The toll that cancer takes is not just on the body, but on the spirit. But through every step, TK was there, holding my hand, whispering words of encouragement, reminding me that I was still the woman he fell in love with, and that nothing—no illness, no scar, no moment of doubt—could change that. He loved me yesterday, in the days when life was simpler, when our biggest concerns were everyday worries. He loves me today, after all we’ve been through, with a love that has been tested and proven true. 

A Love That Grows Stronger

Cancer is often described as a battle, and it is. But it’s also a journey—a journey that has taught me so much about myself, about resilience, and about the kind of love that endures. TK’s love has grown stronger, deeper, and more profound. It’s a love that doesn’t shy away from the hard parts of life, but rather embraces them as part of our story. There’s a quote that says, “True love is not about perfection. It is hidden in flaws, miseries, and sacrifices.” I’ve seen that truth in TK’s eyes, in the way he’s loved me through the good days and the bad, through the laughter and the tears. 

Looking Forward

As we move forward, I know there will be more challenges, more moments that test us. But I also know this: He loved me yesterday, and he loves me today. And that love will carry us through whatever comes next. In this new chapter of our lives, I find myself reflecting not just on the battle we’ve fought, but on the life we’re building together, every single day. It’s a life filled with gratitude, with joy, and with a love that continues to grow stronger, no matter what.

 For anyone who might be going through a similar journey, know this: Love is not about the absence of hardship; it’s about standing together in the midst of it. And if you’re lucky, like I am, you’ll find that the person who loved you yesterday, loves you even more today. 


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