
My Community

When I think of community, I can’t help but feel grateful for the people in my life during this pandemic. I’ve got my husband, TK, who, although he’s physically far away at the moment, will always be with me in my heart (not to mention he is wonderful at Facetime). I’ve got my children, grandchild, and dalmatian puppy, Piper, who always keeps me busy and entertained. I’ve got my wonderful friends, who you will get to meet over dinner during the course of my podcast series. And I’ve got you, my growing group of online supporters who have agreed to go on this journey with me! How lucky can a girl get?

Community Heals

The reason I wanted to write about community is because it has healed me through thick and thin. Reconnecting with old friends these past few podcast episodes has brought back so many emotions I forgot I ever experienced. Some of those emotions have been positive and some have been negative, but without my community serving to remind me how far I’ve come, I’d have no barometer for where I am now. Community restores my faith in humanity. With it, we can support each other and cultivate our collective resilience.When I was in Puerto Rico with my day job visiting after hurricane Maria, I was amazed by the sense of community I saw there. People from all around the world congregating to help neighbors, family, and complete strangers. While sadly sometimes it takes a tragedy like a natural disaster or a global pandemic for us to be reminded of the importance of community, once we receive that reminder it would be a shame to forget that lesson all over again.

Growing My Community

So thank you! Thank you for being a part of my community and welcoming me into yours. We can continue to grow together right here on this blog, sharing fun ideas, insider knowledge, uplifting stories, good advice, and whatever else strikes our fancy! At a time when so many people are being forced to live alone and don’t have access to the same technological advances that allow me to connect with my loved ones safely and remotely, I’m promising to take advantage of these tools to build my community any way I can. Join me on this mission and reach out to the important people in your community.


